Monash University (2018-Present)
Teaching within Anatomy and Developmental Biology
BMS2011-Structure of the human body: An evolutionary and functional perspective
Modules: Head & Neck
GMA1010, Foundations of Medical Practice, Year A
Modules: Pelvis; Abdomen; Perineum
The University of Queensland (2013-2017)
Human Anatomy Courses: ANAT1005, ANAT1018, ANAT1020, BIOM2020, Summer BIOM2020, BIOM3003, BIOM1052 (theory and pracs) class size 60 to <500 students
Animal Anatomy course: ANIM2043
- Oral Cavity and Teeth
- Respiratory System
- Upper Digestive System
- Lower Digestive System
- Urinary systems
- Radiographic Anatomy
- Male Reproductive System
- Female Reproductive System
- Cardiovascular System
- Principles of Locomotor Mechanics
- Comparative Locomotor Mechanics
- Musculoskeletal Anatomy
Co-ordinator of Anat1005-Anatomical Basis of Human Movement